Follow @monsterifikk and @courtneycelley to keep up with site updates. Thank you all for the support!

Monday, August 29, 2011

I wouldn't say your cash is hard earned...

More like "Spending all my stolen cash on comic books and bubble gum...."

Monday, August 22, 2011

We might be getting somewhere?

So, Stole My Benjamin, actually received a message from Steve saying all of her money will be paid out. Hopefully he does the right thing and does refund it. And, hopefully I'm next.

We got another complaint about Steve, though:

"Steve stole $100 from me in 2009. I sent him money via paypal for a sketch for a tattoo and after he received the money he started to ignore my emails. I saw him at a show and went to talk to him. He said he was working on it, but I never received anything.


Another Victim

While I'm not surprised, I'm sad to learn that I wasn't the only fan that Steve Juliano stole from. Steve also stole $100 from another fan who also decided it was time to speak out. Please read her story here and help spread the word:

We encourage all fans who got ripped off to talk about their stories. We've all accepted that we'll likely never see our money again, but we can help others avoid giving money to Steve in exchange for none of the things he promised. A lot of people used to look up to Steve, which makes every single one of these cases even more heart breaking.

Here is another trap:
We understand that fans like physical copies of the music they love, but we urge you not to send any money to Steve Juliano or Requiem For The Dead. Unfortunately your chances of actually receiving the CD (or art) you're sending money for are extremely low.

Thank you to everyone who has helped spread the word so far. Please continue to do so. With your help we can save people some money and disappointment. No one likes to be ripped off.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Holy buckets...

Almost 4000 views in 3 days. Thanks @ryanseaman and @redrumronnie !!!!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Woohoo :)

Ryan Seaman, ex-drummer of IAG, tweeted about my blog today! Awesome.

and candy bars and candy bars and candy bars and candy bars

with fifty bucks, I could have bought a SHIT TON of candy!

like that, times 20.

Also, I got my zombie tattoo..

and I feel like my tattoo artist deserves some credit, because he's awesome and did an amazing job, AND I didn't have to wait forever for him to sketch it for me! :)

Scotty Munster @ Olde Town Tattoo in St. Cloud, MN.

With $50 dollars I could have..

made 142 calls on a payphone, in the late '90s, and still have .30 cents in change left over.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

About Steve Juliano

Here are some links to get you more familiar with Steve Juliano


Good ol' Myspace:



A song from IAG:

